Department of Architecture, Design and Planning (DADP)


 Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment (FEBE)

Department of Architecture, Design and Planning (DADP)

We offer academic programs in Architecture and  the built environment allowing students to undertake interdisciplinary courses for modern and technologically “right” architecture, urban and regional planning, urban design, landscape architecture and planning, interior and heritage studies. We are well linked with well-known schools of architecture and planning in world-class universities. This has enabled the training of young minds to learn from well-informed scholarly and professional environments. Our students are involved in a strong Industrial Based Learning (IBL) programme during their studies, and they engage in collaborative research through joint inter-university studio projects. The graduates are therefore able to work in the real world cases to solve real-life problems, and they are well sought after by industry after graduation. At SASP we have no gender barriers as in the last few years our top students have been female, with SASP providing a female Graduation Valedictorian for the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment in 2019.

We aim to fulfill the TU-K mission by equipping the students with hands-on skills while applying modern technology to solve real-life problems in the built environment. Our curriculum focuses on and engages with critical contemporary issues. Our design and proposal thinking prioritizes designing systems, buildings, and environments that are centered on improving the quality of life and well-being of people. At the same time we at SASP embrace technology as the driver of the modern built environment, while noting that art and the social tenets are our guiding history. We have staff and students who apply relevant, and modern technologies like Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing and Computer Aided Design (CAD) to conduct research on various interdisciplinary and contemporary areas





DADP Chairperson