French Embassy to up Collaboration with TU-K

French TU-K Cooperation

The French Embassy in Nairobi has reaffirmed the French Government support for the collaborative projects with the Technical University of Kenya.

This was disclosed on 4th July 2023 when a delegation from the French Embassy in Nairobi paid a courtesy call to the university to strengthen the ongoing cooperation between the TU-K and the French Government.

The ongoing projects are in areas of collaborative research and innovation, student exchange programme that includes English and French language assistants. Other areas are; the joint development of double degree curricula with French universities, strengthening TVET programmes, student’s scholarships, internships, and staff training.

The team from the Embassy was led by Dr. Mathieu Guerin, the Attaché for Science and Higher Education and Deputy Head of Cooperation in Kenya, Denis Sainte – Marie, Attaché Counselor for Cooperation and Cultural Affairs and Mr. Benard Clouteau, the Attaché Linguistic Cooperation explored further joint collaboration with TU-K.

The Ag. VC-Prof. Paul Shiundu hosted the delegation. Also present were the DVC-RTD, Prof. Isaac Orina, DVC- IAE, Prof. Paul Wambua, Executive Dean-FSST, Prof. Peter Matu, Executive Dean – FAST, Prof. Francis Gatheri, Executive Dean-FEBE, Prof. Edwin Ataro, Prof. Benard Odera- Director, CEP-TF and ATL-DMCL, Dr. Teresa A. Otieno. Also present were some of the students who have benefited from the collaboration.

Dr Atieno disclosed that a BA in French (Minor and Major) curriculum was being developed and will soon be subjected to institutional approval procedure before prospective students are invited to apply for admission. She said initially the BA in French will be offered to students pursuing hospitality and those in International Relations.

 “We are reaching out to colleagues in other departments to deliberate on the possibility of designing the curricular that will give our students an opportunity to learn French and have a niche in the fast-changing job market.


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The Technical University of Kenya is a member of the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE), Kenya Chapter
International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE) is a global non-governmental, non-profit organisation, which benefits students, employers and universities through its international internship programme.

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