TU-K Admits 4135 New Students

TU-K Admits 4135 New Students

The Technical University of Kenya has admitted 4135 new students for the 2021/2022 Academic Year. Starting September 27 through October 1, the University staged an intensive virtual orientation exercise for the Freshers aired live on TU-K’s website and social media platforms where students can still watch, even now, in case they missed any session.

The orientation exercise offered a platform for the new students to get a better understanding of all that TU-K has to offer. The sessions also introduced the first year students to the three faculties i.e. Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment (FEBE), Faculty of Social Sciences and Technology (FSST) and the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology (FAST).

Students were taken through the programme by; the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Francis Aduol, Deputy Vice-Chancellor - Academic and Students Affairs, Prof. Paul Shiundu, Executive Deans, Director of Student Services, Prof. Omondi Oketch, Academic Registrar, Dr. Moses Wamalwa, and respective Directors of Schools.
The Vice-Chancellor gave a brief history of the University, stating that it is always a great honor to be admitted into any university in the world.
Prof Aduol advised the students to attend lectures up to 75 per cent for them to be allowed to take examinations and even work hard to not only pass but excel in their examinations.

He advised the Freshers to start being serious with their studies early enough. “Every CAT, practical exam, written exam will count, the final exam only constitutes as the final mark added to the rest,” he added.

Prof. Aduol further said the student’s social life in the university is a very important part of their growth and urged them to utilize the freedom they have in the university wisely. “There is no bell to remind you to go to class or to other activities, the only freedom that is directly granted to you 100% is called academic freedom, it’s actually a two-side coin that says it is the freedom of the student to learn and the other side says it is the freedom of the lecturer to teach,” he said.

“Stick to this freedom to avoid mismanagement, when you have drug and alcohol problems, you will go to a mental hospital because these problems are considered to be mental diseases,” the VC reiterated.

In addition, he asked them to be careful and avoid careless sexual behaviors such as “sexually transmitted grades” and diseases such as HIV/Aids.
Prof. Aduol further assured Freshers that the university has done everything possible to ensure compliance to Covid-19 containment measures. He urged the students to report to the university physically in order to meet lectures and also familiarize themselves with the Covid-19 measures that have been put in place.

In his remarks, Prof. Paul Shiundu cautioned the students against exam malpractice as well as engaging in illicit activities that may affect their academic life or lead to cancellation of a student’s entire academic year.

He advised the students to practice appropriate socialization so as to relieve the stresses of college life. Also, he encouraged them to connect with other people in order to ensure a smooth transition to campus life. “As humans, social interaction is essential to every aspect of our health,” he stated.


Call for Applications to The Development in Africa with Radio Astronomy (Dara) Training Programme (2024)

Applications are invited for the above training programme coordinated by the `department of Astronomy and Space Science, Technical University of Kenya. Applicants must be holders of at least a Bachelor’s degree in any of the STEM fields. The application form and the brochure are available here for more information. You may also contact Prof. Paul Baki, Ph.D., FKNAS ( Email: paulbaki@tukenya.ac.ke)

More Information | Download Application Form

Conference Announcement and Call for Papers 

The Technical University of Kenya in partnership with Exploring Visual Cultures will be hosting the 4th International Conference from November 27th to 29th, 2024 at the Edge Convention Centre, Nairobi. The theme of the conference is AI Media Innovations, Applications, Visual Culture, Challenges, and Future Trends. The call for papers is out and the deadline for submission of abstracts is on 31st May, 2024.

More on the conference

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