VC Vows to Take TU-K to the Next Level

The Prof Benedict Mutua was today installed as TU-K’s Vice-Chancellor. The exercise was overseen by the Acting Chancellor, Dr Idle Omar Farah who is also the Chairman of the University Council. In his acceptance speech, Prof Mutua said: “I commit all my efforts for the next five years towards taking TU-K’s status a notch higher; to be a university that will be nationally, regionally and globally recognised in terms of good corporate Governance.

He further added that he would wish to see the University being research-driven, promoting innovative quality teaching and learning; translating research findings to transferable technologies; promoting research to commercialisation; impacting positively both the local and international community and finally providing  a conducive learning environment with adequate and motivated staff; and being financially sustainable.

Confronting Challenges

Prof Mutua said he had accepted his appointment as VC well aware of the challenges that TU-K was facing. The challenges include: Inadequate funding, physical space, incomplete and stalled infrastructure; inadequate research and innovation capacities. “Overcoming these challenges facing TU-K cannot be the responsibility of the Vice Chancellor alone. Therefore, I call upon all of us - academic, administrative and support staff, to work together as a team. Let us be open and honestly communicate to each other for the good of our institution.”

Thanking the Government

Prof Benedict Mutua had started off his inaugural graduation speech by thanking the Government for appointing him the second Vice-Chancellor of TU-K.

“Allow me with great honour and humility to extend my sincere appreciation to the Government, the Ministry of Education and the Council of the Technical University of Kenya, for appointing me as the 2nd Vice-Chancellor of this great University. It is a privilege to be entrusted as the Vice-Chancellor of this Institution, which I accept with gratitude.” The VC thanked Prof. Francis Aduol, the founding VC of TU-K for the central role he played in the establishment and development of TU-K to be what it is today.

Parents’ Sacrifices for Students

Prof Mutua appreciated the parents, guardians, sponsors, and the Faculty for having made tremendous sacrifice in order to see the graduands go through their university education. He congratulated the graduands for their resilience, hard work, commitment and sense of focus that enabled them to successfully complete their academic programmes.

“I am aware that we have students whose programmes take six, five, four and three years. Majority of you have gone through a challenging period as you were caught up by the effect of Covid-19 pandemic that brought about a totally different approach in service delivery. I am glad that you all circumvented the challenges.”

Advice to Graduands

The VC went on to say that “I have no doubt that you have been equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge required to navigate the national, regional and global challenges. I therefore encourage you to apply the wealth of knowledge that you have acquired and work hard to make a positive impact in our motherland and the entire world. The world you are about to join values hard work, determination, integrity, objectivity and loyalty to your mother land, Kenya.”

The VC advised the graduands to be aware that the world’s horizon is constantly changing hence the need for continuous re-tooling beyond classroom education. “The market out there now needs people who are able to learn, to adapt to change, and to persuade others to do the same.  The world and indeed our country needs people who can think critically and creatively to solve problems and to innovate. We need people who can build teams, bring consensus, motivate action, and lead.”

Family Values

The VC’s family led by his wife, Dr. Janice Mutua, Sons Dennis Mutua and Rodgers Mwavu; and niece Shanice, graced the event. “My family has been there for me and I sincerely appreciate their prayers and moral support that keep me going. Their prayers and support are always a source of encouragement. I particularly single out my wife Dr. Janice Mutua for always ensuring that I do that which is right as I execute my duties and responsibilities. She always reminds me to remember that as I serve humanity, I serve God. This is a great statement to hold one accountable. I equally appreciate and recognise all my friends who have come in person and those who have sent their good wishes.”

12th Graduation Ceremony Photos

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